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a short film about our augmented future (2023)

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PRIVACY LOST is a short film about our augmented future


In the near future, AI-powered augmented reality (mixed reality) glasses will make our world a magical place. Deployed by the largest tech companies on the planet, these devices will fill our lives with artistic and creative content everywhere we go, from our homes and offices to retail stores, parks, restaurants, schools, and even city streets.


Unfortunately, this magical future will come at great risk. If unregulated, these same devices will track our behaviors and monitor our emotions like never before. This could threaten our privacy and leave us vulnerable to AI manipulation throughout our daily lives. 


Privacy Lost (2023) is a short film about our augmented future and the dangers headed our way. Developed with support from Minderoo Pictures, the Responsible Metaverse Alliance, and the XR Guild, it aims to educate policymakers about the emerging risks. The film was written by Louis Rosenberg, an early researcher who pioneered mixed reality at Air Force Research Laboratory three decades ago and who is now a vocal advocate for regulation


Privacy Lost was produced in a virtual studio outside Amsterdam by the creative and talented team at HeadQ productions. The cast and crew are listed below: 


Directed by: Peter Stoel & Robert Berger

Written by:  Louis Rosenberg

Wife played by: Carlijn van Ramsberg

Husband played by: Michael Krass

Scotty player by: Thor van der Linden

Waitress played by: Estelle Levinson

Waiter played by: Brian Kant

D.O.P.: Robert Berger

Assistant: Michell vor den Dag

Camera Tracking: Omri Bighetz

Editing and Sound: Peter Stoel

VFX: Omri Bighetz


Privacy Lost is scheduled for release in June of 2023

Privacy Lost Poster (with new TEXT).jpg


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